ASD Signs & Symptoms
While ASD cannot be prevented, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms. Early diagnosis allows for early intervention, which results in the best possible outcomes for children and their families.
Some of the signs to be aware of are:
Some of the signs to be aware of are:
- Distaste for social interactions including cuddling, interactive play, or conversation with others
- Inappropriate actions in a social situation (ex. laughing when another child is crying or upset)
- Ignores others when being called
- Poor eye contact
- Lack of facial expression
- Inability to express emotions
- Inability to relate to other's feelings
- Delayed speech or regressed speech
- Monotone affect when speaking
- Repeating words or phrases that others say
- Unable to start or maintain a conversation
- Cannot understand simple questions or follow simple directions
- Cannot recognize or understand nonverbal cues
- Has difficulty with a change in routine
- Sensitive to light, sound, or touch
- Is not interested in imaginative play
- Is a picky eater
- Displays repetitive behaviour patterns including:
- Rocking back and forth
- Spinning
- Hand-flapping
- Biting (self or others)
- Head banging
- Walking on tip-toes
- Fascinated by details such as spinning wheels
Autism cannot be self-diagnosed. In order to receive a proper diagnosis, children must be screened/assessed by a medical professional.
The Mayo Clinic. (2019). Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from:
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