Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2)

The ASQ:SE-2 is a screening tool to be used in partnership with the ASQ-3 to provide a clear picture of the child's development.  This is an early-identification tool that is designed to be completed by the parents while reflecting on the child's social-emotional behaviour.  This tool in conjunction with the ASQ-3 can help identify if a child has a developmental delay, and can be instrumental in identifying risk for ASD.  The are versions of the ASQ:SE-2 form available for children up until age 72 months.

Like the ASQ-3, this tool should be given to the family physician or pediatrician to appropriately be used for diagnostic purposes.  Along with the ASQ-3, the ASQ:SE-2 should be used with the Hand in Hand document for appropriate developmental planning. 

There is a cost associated with the ASQ:SE-2.  For parents who would like their child to be screened using the ASQ-3, seek out an agency who is able to provide the form.  To find a suitable agency, talk to your physician, or contact your local EarlyON Centre for more information.

A sample ASQ:SE-2 form, page 1

A sample ASQ:SE-2 form, page 2

A sample ASQ:SE-2 form, page 3
For professionals offering the ASQ-3, here is a list of resources that you will find helpful:


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