Ages and Stages Questionnaire, Third Edition (ASQ-3)

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire, Third Edition (ASQ-3) is a developmental screening tool that can be used to indicate whether or not a child is at risk for ASD or another disorder. The ASQ-3 is not a diagnostic tool, but rather can be used to identify areas of development that need improvement in children from 1 to 72 months.   This tool is to be completed by practitioners only. The ASQ-3 measures 5 domains:
  • Communication, 
  • Gross motor, 
  • Fine motor, 
  • Problem solving, and 
  • Personal-social
This tool can be given to a family physician or pediatrician to guide them in referring you to the right supports.  For best results, this tool should be used with the ASQ:SE-2 to screen for delays in social-emotional development.  Together, these two tools can help identify risk for ASD.

The ASQ-3 can be completed in six different languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

There is a cost associated with the ASQ-3, and it should not be completed without training.  For parents who would like their child to be screened using the ASQ-3, seek out an agency who is able to provide this training.  To find a suitable agency, talk to your physician, or contact your local EarlyON Centre for more information.

For practitioners who would like to be trained to offer the ASQ-3 and to purchase the tool, click here.

A sample ASQ-3 form, page 1

A sample ASQ-3 form, page 2

A sample ASQ-3 form, page 3

For professionals offering the ASQ-3, here is a list of resources that you will find helpful:
Ages and Stages Questionnaire.  (2019).  ASQ-3.  Retrieved from:


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